For so long, I felt so alone. Infertility. It's a very lonely place to be, especially if you're an introvert, like me. You struggle alone, your heart aches, people make unknowingly hurtful comments, and even though people eventually figure out what's going on, nobody says anything, because they just don't know what to say. Looking back on our years of struggle with infertility, I went through so many different stages of hurt and grief, but "alone" is a word that I think best describes my journey. Don't get me wrong, I had the wonderful and caring support of my amazing husband, family, and friends, but in all honesty, they couldn't really help me. They could just be there to witness the crazy meltdowns and of course, they prayed for me.
At some point, I'm going to be brave enough to try to share our story, but for now, I think I'll just say that if you are someone who's been down that road or you're on that road right now, you are not alone. At the time, I didn't know anyone who was in the same place I was. Yes, I had friends who struggled with infertility for a while, but then they eventually got pregnant, and I was left feeling even more alone and broken. It wasn't until we adopted Ian and joined a care group at church that I met two, that's right, two other women in my same care group that were basically in the same situation that I had been in for years. Not that I'd ever wish that kind of journey on anyone (even though I wouldn't change a, it was such a relief to know I wasn't the only one. I have since formed what will be lifelong friendships with these two amazing and wonderful women. I am so very grateful that the Lord brought us together.
Over the last several months, I've come across several (like a lot!) of women who are currently struggling with infertility. It's interesting, because I think they see me with my boys and don't even realize that it was a long difficult road to grow our family. I realize that this seems like such a random thing to share on my blog, but I really feel like the Lord put it on my heart (especially right now during Christmastime), so there you go :). If you're on this road, or if you know and love someone who is, I would encourage you to reach out and don't be afraid to be real. It's not pretty; nobody know what to say or do to help - because there really is nothing to say or do, but in sharing there is comfort and freedom from the isolation of infertility. Let me just say that I'm not advocating for you to tell everyone, but maybe just choosing a few people that you could share with. It's a heavy burden to bear alone.
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