
Alright...I get it

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Alright, God...I get it.  How many times have I had to say that to God?  Over and over again, God tells me (and shows me) just how faithful He is, and how He truly cares about the details of my life.  Why am I so hard headed?  I frustrate myself!  Last week, Ian ended up having another surgery to tighten the pins and adjust the halo.  I was praying against this, but at his check-up on Monday, the neurosurgeon said it had to be done.  It wasn't necessarily urgent, but he didn't want us to have to wait over Thanksgiving to have it done, so he scheduled it for the following day (Tuesday).  It's funny, because I know in my mind that I can trust God, but my heart...well, sometimes that's just a different story.  I'm learning very s l o w l y.

My dad came with me to the hospital.  We got Ian admitted and waited for a while before Dr. Fedor came in to talk to us.  Ian was doing amazingly well, just playing in his bed and waiting patiently.  He told us that the surgery wouldn't take too long, but there was a chance they would have to move a pin or two if they weren't seated correctly.  Ugh...I prayed against that too!  But, I completely trust Dr. Fedor and his judgment, knowing that he truly has Ian as his first priority.

A while later, Ian went into surgery and my dad and I went into the waiting room.  Why was this so hard for me?  I tried to talk myself into being calm.  I prayed for peace, but my mind just wouldn't stop!  I was trying not to cry, trying to keep busy, but I couldn't focus.  I was worried that we were facing the wrong way and we wouldn't see the doctor if he came out, and on and on.  My dad finally looked up from the book he was reading and said, "Stop freaking out.  Just find something to do.  Don't look at the clock or the surgical board for a half hour."  I didn't want to do it, but I knew he was right.  So, I got out my BSF lesson and started working on it.

Funny how the Lord works.  The lesson I was on that day had me reading Matthew 10:17-31.  When I got to verses 29-31, I almost couldn't breathe.  "Are not two sparrows sold for a penny?  Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father.  And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered.  So DO NOT BE AFRAID; you are worth more than many sparrows."  See, sometimes, God has to hit me over the head with something like that to get my attention.  I feel like God was saying, "Hey!  Hey, you!  Can you hear me?  I CARE!  I've got this covered, so stop worrying!!!"  It took me a good few minutes to get myself together after that.  I just thanked God over and over again.  Finally, I showed my dad, and he just laughed at me and jokingly said, "I don't see any relevance in that at all."

I was just sitting there with my Bible, reading that passage over and over when Dr. Fedor came right over to me (from behind...remember, I was worried that I had my back to the door?) and let me know that Ian was out of surgery and was waking up and that everything went just fine.  He was able to tighten all the pins and make any adjustments needed.  At the end of our conversation, he told me how glad he was that he did the surgery because the pins were much looser than he had initially thought, and he had to tighten 7 out of 8 pins at least 2 mm.  I was thankful it was all over.

We went back to see Ian and although he had a VERY rough time waking up from the anesthesia (another reason I was thankful to have my dad's calming presence with me), he was just fine.  He ate two huge Popsicles and some ice cream :).  All was well, and we were cleared to go home.  After a very long drive home, I finally felt like I could relax and spend some time just thanking God for that day.  I am so grateful (not always at the time, but after) for these storms of my life.  They so clearly demonstrate His faithfulness, kindness and grace.  As I was going to bed, I saw this sweet reminder that my cousin had mailed to me just the day before, and I hope you find encouragement in these verses too...
I truly enjoyed our Thanksgiving, knowing we have so much to be thankful for.  We spent time with family, and I hadn't been able to spend much time with Flynn on Monday or Tuesday, so that was a huge blessing just to be able to cuddle and love on him.  And, it was a great time for all our family to love on both our boys.  Thanksgiving couldn't have come at a better time :)!

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