
Sleeping With A Halo

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Here's a question that people ask all the time..."How does he sleep?"  Well, that's a great question.  Let me say that he definitely doesn't get the quality or quantity of sleep that he got before the halo, but good sleep is possible.  I also had that question before we left the hospital, so I asked the neurosurgeon and the halo manufacturer representative, and both told me the same thing...he can sleep however he can get comfortable.  That meant on his back, side, or stomach!  They also told us that we could put a little pillow behind his neck because it might feel a little weird to have your head suspended while you're laying down.  We never did that (seemed like the space was a bit small for that), but I think when you're four, you kinda just go with the flow more than you would if you were older.

When we got home, I spent the first few nights sleeping on his trundle bed...terrified that he'd fall out of his bed.  Then I had a revelation (ok, so I was tired and wasn't thinking!), HE should be the one sleeping on the trundle.  That way, he was only inches from the floor!!  Since then, that's what he has done, and I don't have to worry about him falling out of bed.  He thinks it's cool that he gets to sleep on the trundle, and I can rest at night.  I also put a monitor in his room so I can hear if he needs me, since he can't come down the stairs alone (he likes to use the monitor for other things too, like serenading me and telling me that he's hungry during his nap, lol).  I asked him today what he would say to another child in a halo in regards to sleep, and he said, "Well, you can sleep on your back, or your side, or your tummy, but don't fall out of your bed."  Just for fun, I had him demonstrate how he sleeps so you can see how it looks :).

Here he is sleeping on his side...

On his tummy (this freaked me out until I realized that he can breathe because his face is elevated by the halo)...

 And my personal favorite, but the position he chooses the least, on his back...
When your head hits your pillow tonight, just be thankful that it does just that - touches your pillow!  I am so thankful that by God's grace, he does get the rest he needs!

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